How to prevent drink from draining your skin

Woohoo – it’s Friday and most of us have been paid!

If you’re planning on spending your hard-earned cash on a big night out this weekend, try not to neglect your skin.

As I mentioned yesterday, alcohol can cause skin to become irritated, dry and flushed.

Luckily for you social butterflies, there are plenty of things we can do about it.

Here are my top three tips on how to avoid a serious skin hangover.

1. Prevention is better than cure

Although the classic glass of milk does work, it’s best to line your stomach with a substantial meal.

The more food in the stomach, the longer it takes for alcohol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Foods high in protein or fat are best as these also help “soak up” alcohol – perfect excuse for a burger!

Milk Thistle is also a great natural supplement for protecting the liver from alcohol’s damaging effects, helping it to break down alcohol more quickly.

It is available in tablet form so pop one before you go out – it may not save you from hangover hell, but it will help rid your body of those toxins a lot quicker.

2. Remove that make-up

While morning-after panda eyes are generally the sign of a good night out, sleeping in all that make-up is definitely not good for your skin.

When we are asleep our bodies go through healing and regenerative processes to prepare us for the following day. The skin is no exception – but sleeping in our slap suffocates skin and clogs pores, hampering these important natural processes.

Before you leave the house, pop your cleanser and some cotton wool pads next to your bed. That way you’ll be more likely to be good and remove your make-up, even if it is from under the duvet!

3. Post-party pick-me-ups

Alcohol is notorious for dehydrating skin, leaving it parched and lacklustre the following day. Drinking lots of water is essential, and using a moisturiser high in essential fatty acids will quickly replenish a tired out complexion.

The eye area is often the most telling after we’ve had a heavy night, as the surrounding skin becomes darker and puffier. For a quick fix, apply our rejuvenating Echium Eye Cream straight from the fridge. The cooling effect will relax the skin and lift its tone, so you can be bright-eyed even if you’re not quite bushy-tailed!

Sarah’s Organic Skin Care Blog –

Sarah is the founder of Pai Skincare, an organic skin care line for sensitive skin.

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