Our Limited Edition Christmas gift sets make the perfect presents for each sign. Each week we’ll bring you a typical sign’s go-to products and pointers, so you can see just why their In Your Element Kit is so on-point.

Describe your character in five words…
“Thoughtful, open-minded, adventurous, organised, expressive”
On morning routines
“I snooze a few times, then get up and put the radio on. Brush teeth, do my skincare and makeup routine, then get dressed and head out!”
On bedtime routines
“I put Netflix on in the background, shower and remove my makeup, followed by my skincare routine. Once in bed I finish the Netflix show I’ve started, then it’s eye mask on and ear plugs in. Oh, and check that my alarm has been set!”
On star signs
“I am a Taurus but I don’t believe in horoscopes… I much prefer the Myers-Brigg test!”
On productivity
“I put my phone on Do Not Disturb so it doesn’t flag up all my notifications.”
On buying gifts
“I love buying presents for my closest friends because I know exactly what they want or need.”
On what not to buy a Taurus
“Once I got an A5 notebook from a Secret Santa.”
On last-minute Christmas shopping
“By the week before Christmas, I usually have bought all of my presents and am midway through wrapping. I try to avoid the shops and get most things online if possible.”
Shopping for other star signs? Get to know the Pai staffers for tips on how to nail the right gifts for their signs.