Our Limited Edition Christmas gift sets make the perfect presents for each sign. Each week we’ll bring you a typical sign’s go-to products and pointers, so you can see just why their In Your Element Kit is so on-point.

Describe your character in five words…
“Dependable, loyal, uncouth, loud, impatient!”
On morning routines
“I’m the worst for snoozing my alarm, therefore everything needs to be quick. I tend to run out of bed, fall over the cat and shower for precisely 1.5 seconds. I then spend most of my time trying to figure out what overly patterned shirt to wear and try and blow dry my hair into a decent quiff!”
On bedtime routines
“This is the where I tend to have a bit more time to pamper! If I’m having a night in I’m a big fan of sitting in the bath with our Copaiba Mask on and a large glass of red! After a long soak, I slather myself in Rosehip Oil and catch up on something trashy (no brain power required) and most importantly pour another glass of wine.”
On star signs
“I’m pretty sure I epitomise the traits of being a Leo- I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing!”
On productivity
“Bullet points save lives at work, having a cleaner saves lives at home!”
On buying gifts
“I mostly enjoy buying gifts for myself! Who honestly gives to receive – I’m an only child!”
On what not to buy a Leo
“One year I received a Sat Nav. For some context, I’d just failed my first driving test and I didn’t even have a car.”
On Christmas shopping
“The week before Christmas usually haven’t shopped yet, I’d be in Selfridges panic buying overly expensive gifts for the important ones and giving everyone else chocolates from Liberty. Every year I panic and get drunk first.”
Shopping for other star signs? Get to know the Pai staffers for tips on how to nail the right gifts for their signs.