Our Limited Edition Christmas gift sets make the perfect presents for each sign. Each week we’ll bring you a typical sign’s go-to products and pointers, so you can see just why their In Your Element Kit is so on-point.

Describe your character in five words…
“Serious, honest, sociable, hard-working, caring”
On morning routines
“I start off by washing my face with cold water and prepping it with a toner. Then I apply some moisturizer and finally make-up.”
On bedtime routines
“In the evenings I take my time to make sure my skin is properly cleansed and hydrated. First, I strip all impurities with my Clarisonic brush. Then, a couple of times a week I exfoliate and use a mask to replenish my skin. Finally, I apply micellar water to condition followed by a cream/oil.”
On star signs
“Capricorns are very stubborn, ambitious, results-driven and punctual. But we’re also very caring, reliable and loyal. We avoid dilly-dallying at all costs.”
On productivity
“I keep to-do lists. I like to put everything on paper, then divide and conquer. Lists help me stay focused and keep track of what’s been done and what’s still pending.”
On buying gifts
“After myself, I find it easiest to shop for my sister, because she likes the same stuff as me.”
On what not to buy a Capricorn
“Once my brother and his girlfriend gave me this white wool knit bag that looked like a shepherd’s bag. I loved the effort and the thought they put into it, but it was so not my style. Naturally, it went straight into a drawer and never left.”
On Christmas shopping
“By Christmas week my shopping will most likely be 100% done, maybe halfway through the wrapping stage.”
Which Christmas decoration best personifies you?
“I absolutely love Xmas lights. I love how they brighten up everything and ooze warmth.”
What is your ultimate Christmas food?
“My mom’s. That’s how I know it’s Christmas.“
Favourite Christmas movie?
“Love Actually followed closely by The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”
Shopping for other star signs? Get to know the Pai staffers for tips on how to nail the right gifts for their signs.