Our Limited Edition Christmas gift sets make the perfect presents for each sign. Each week we’ll bring you a typical sign’s go-to products and pointers, so you can see just why their In Your Element Kit is so on-point.

Describe your character in five words…
“Obnoxious, weird, definitely a hugger.”
On morning routines
“I usually do a spritz of Pai’s Rice Plant & Rosemary BioAffinity Tonic and Chamomile & Rosehip Cream then am out the door.”
On bedtime routines
“I cleanse using Pai’s Cleanser, then our Rosehip Oil or Blemish Serum if I’m feeling spotty.”
On star signs
“I’m a Fire sign, so I guess I’m aggressive and a little bit kooky. My Sun sign is Aries, which the head of the zodiac – I can’t remember what that means, but it sounds fun. ”
On productivity
“If I need to get something done, I’ll put on some cheesy music and see how much I can get done by the end of the track. Long songs are obviously preferred.”
On buying gifts
“I love shopping for my little sister – she loves a surprise but also loves knowing what she’s going to get. So I try to come up with something that will shock her each year. She doesn’t have much of a poker face so when you’ve given a golden gift, it is easy to tell.”
On festive food
“My favourite Christmas food is tourtiere (a Canadian meat pie) that we sometimes have for Christmas eve BUT if I was to be an Xmas food I’d likely be a parsnip.”
On Christmas shopping
“I leave all my wrapping to just before Christmas, then plan a night in to wrap presents, while listening to Michael Bublé. I don’t find shopping that bad myself, but working in retail over Christmas, at a fancy bedding store was fairly stressful. Don’t mess with a posh person and their thread count.”
Shopping for other star signs? Get to know the Pai staffers for tips on how to nail the right gifts for their signs.