Our Limited Edition Christmas gift sets make the perfect presents for each sign. Each week we’ll bring you a typical sign’s go-to products and pointers, so you can see just why their In Your Element Kit is so on-point.

Describe your character in five words…
“Persistent, driven, open-minded, curious”
On morning routines
“Micellar water to cleanse then Pai’s Kukui Exfoliator, Lotus Tonic, Hydration Serum and then Chamomile Day Cream.”
On bedtime routines
“Micellar water again to cleanse, then Pai’s Copaiba AHA Mask, Lotus Tonic, Rosehip Oil on face and mixed into Body Cream, Chamomile Day Cream. Sometimes I use a Body Shop Bouncy Sleeping Mask on top.”
On star signs
“I’m SUCH an Aquarius! I am definitely organised and ambitious, but can be a little stubborn at times…”
On workouts
“Whatever the latest fad is I’m up for trying it, from 1Rebel to Barry’s”
On productivity
“Start each day with ten minutes of quiet time to think about your priorities and what you want to achieve that day.”
On buying gifts
“I quite enjoy Secret Santa, because it makes you think outside the box and be inventive!”
On what not to buy an Aquarius
“My main Christmas present when I was in my early 20s was a state of the art toolkit from my Dad.”
On Christmas shopping
“By the third week of December all my present shopping is done and the gifts are wrapped, sitting under the tree. I can’t stand Oxford Street close to Christmas. My top tip if you’re in London is to go to Peter Jones and the King’s Road!”
Which Christmas decoration best personifies you?
“I think I’m going to say a Christmas wreath because I’m quite warm and welcoming”
On Christmas movies
“Love Actually is my favourite. And I currently live in Wandsworth, the dodgy end, so there’s no excuse not to watch it every day in December now.”
Shopping for other star signs? Get to know the Pai staffers for tips on how to nail the right gifts for their signs.