‘A sudden flare-up of rashes and adult acne led Sarah Brown to seek her own solutions. Her search resulted in the launch of a now cult brand – and a glowing complexion to boot’
A huge thank you to all the Pai fans old and new who have been in touch since reading my interview in this month’s Easy Living!
(Read the full article)
The two page spread reveals my personal skin story, and how my own sensitive skin battles led to the birth of Pai Skincare.
I must say thank you to the lovely Natalie Silverton for writing such a fabulous article, and thank you to Easy Living for giving sensitive skin the space on the beauty pages it deserves.
Massive credit also goes to my photographer Andrew Hayes Watkins, who managed to make a girl who hates having her photo taken look half-decent!
Hopefully the piece will help other sensitive skin sufferers take control of their allergies, and regain skin confidence.
Do get in touch if you have any skin problems you’d like advice on: Ask Sarah.
For those of you who’d like to hear my road to Pai, it goes as follows:
‘Until my mid-twenties, my skin was perfectly okay, then I woke up with red welts over it…dermatologists diagnosed urticaria’
‘Half an hour after taking the antihistamines I was prescribed the rash would go, but I developed highly sensitised skin and, when I tried different products to fix it, I ended up with spots’
‘I realised I had to tackle the root cause of the problem’
‘I took weekend courses in cosmetic manufacture, then an advanced course over six months. What began as a hobby became an obsession, until at 30 I quit my PR job to develop my own plant-based, chemical-free range’.
‘Now I’ve finally achieved true skin confidence, and it’s really empowering. I know it’s hard to completely get rid of an allergy, but knowing what sets it off and staying calm means I can control it.’
You can read the full article here.