A Beginner’s Guide to a Good Skin Diet

While I’m forever singing the praises of a ‘Good Skin diet’ and the transformative effects it can have on problem skin, it struck me that I’d never shared a definitive list on what this diet should involve.

So, here it is!

To help me put this plan together I’ve enlisted the help of my 2 new blog buddies, Claire & Rosie from The Health Quarter.


These expert nutritionists believe that the skin is a good indicator of what’s going on inside your body. Here’s what they have to say:

“The gut and the liver are key organs in maintaining skin health as they are responsible for the detoxification process, so a Good Skin diet needs to keep both of these functioning well.

It also needs to stay topped up on the various different nutrients our skin cells themselves need to function properly.

To keep things manageable, we’ve split our Beginner’s Guide into 5 key lists:

1. Factors that affect skin health – if you have poor skin health it could be due to any or many of these factors.

2. Nutrients vital for healthy skin – these can be obtained through diet or supplements.

3. Foods to embrace – skin loving foods your “Good Skin diet” should be rich in.

4. Foods to avoid – foods that are not so kind to skin, always eat these in moderation if at all.

5. Supplements – great for topping up the nutrients in your “Good Skin diet”.

1. Factors affecting skin health

  • Dehydration
  • Poor Digestion
  • Poor Detoxification
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Low essential fats
  • Lack of good gut flora
  • Food allergies/intolerances
  • Stress
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Inflammation
  • Medication
  • Diet
  • Skincare products
  • Environmental toxins/impurities

2. Nutrients vital for healthy skin

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D
  • Antioxidants
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Water
  • Sulphur
  • Zinc
  • Probiotics

3. Foods to embrace

  • Plenty of water (2 litres per day) and herbal teas to help flush out unwanted toxins.
  • Fibre-rich foods such as wholegrain rice, oats and bran, which bind to excess waste and prevent toxic build up in the body.
  • Fruits and vegetables of all kinds – we all know these are good for us! Here are some of our top skin food recommendations.
  • Essential fats in oily fish, nuts and seeds. These form an essential part of cell walls so a constant supply keeps skin supple and plump.
  • Organic foods where possible, to avoid excess pesticide and preservative intake.

4. Foods to avoid

  • Refined foods and sugars such as biscuits, cake and chocolate. As well as feeding bad bacteria which can produce toxins, sugar also has the tendency to attach itself to collagen, making skin looser and more prone to wrinkles.
  • Saturated fats such as those in fried foods, crisps, and ice cream, which can cause cell walls to become rigid and prevent the flow of nutrients in and out. The result is malnourished skin that can appear dull and lacklustre. You can read more about food ‘Skin Sins’ here
  • Tea, coffee and alcohol – these may over-stimulate the liver, which we want to support rather than distress!

5. Supplements

  • Fish oils, which have a good ratio of Essential Fatty Acids to keep the skin functioning efficiently.
  • Probiotics, “friendly bacteria” that support the health of the digestive tract and improve skin health.
  • Hair, skin and nail supplements. Good formulas contain Vitamin B, Vitamin C, L-Lysine, Silicon, Zinc and Copper.

If you’d like any more advice Claire and Rosie offer free personal consultations, in their beautiful Knightsbridge store, or you can contact them through their website: www.healthquartersw3.com.

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