What Exactly Is Face Yoga?

It’s been hailed as an all-natural, free alternative to Botox, eye surgery and expensive face creams.

Converts claim that just a few minutes of face yoga every day can soften wrinkles, tighten and give you a glowing complexion – completely naturally and with no yoga mat required!

It might sound crazy, but face yoga could have some serious benefits, especially when used alongside your existing skincare regime.

So how does it work?

There are more than 42 muscles in the face and each muscle is connected to the skin – as they tone up, so does your skin.

Since you can’t exactly lift weights with your face, the best way to tone your facial muscles is to apply pressure to key points using your fingertips.

As you massage, you are also increasing the flow of blood around your face, which helps more oxygen reach your skin cells. More oxygen means healthier cells and a brighter complexion over time.

However, just like ‘body’ yoga, you have to practise face yoga regularly if you want to see real benefits.


To de-puff

Position your index and ring fingers on the corners of your eyebrows.

Look up until you feel as though you are almost squinting, and while you’re doing this press your fingertips into the pressure points on either end of your eyebrows.

Hold for a few seconds, then repeat four or five times.

This helps to improve lymphatic drainage around the eye area, reducing puffiness and eye bags.

To smooth

Place your hands on your forehead, with your little fingers resting between your eyebrows and your index fingers at your hairline.

Apply gentle pressure to your fingertips and slowly sweep across your forehead.

The pressure from your fingertips will activate your forehead muscles, tightening them and making your skin appear firmer and less lined.

To tighten

Place your middle fingers on the edge of your jawline, just under your ears.

Then flick your fingers up, while moving all the way along your jawline and back again.

This technique is thought to give your muscles a mini workout, tightening areas of loose skin around the jawline.

For best effects, try these tips on clean skin with a few drops of your favourite facial oil and start gently on very sensitive skin.

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